Work Bag Essentials


If you’re anything like our CEO and Head Doll Caroline, then you know that there is such an importance in the handbag you carry and what goes in it!  Sometimes you may even feel like a modern-day Mary Poppins, but let’s get real, there are so many necessities that go into being a Boss Doll™! 

Want to know how to be prepared and on top of your game the next time you leave the house?! Here are some pointers straight from the source! Let’s take a sneak peek into what goes inside Caroline’s everyday go-to Louis Vuitton bag!


CAROLINE’S Essentials

Business Cards 

First thing first, I never leave the house without a thick stack of business cards and of course a professional business card holder!  I do this whether I’m going on a business trip, walking the dogs (no joke!), leaving the house to get lunch, or meeting up with a client.  Getting in the habit of always bring business cards with you is a secret trick of the trade because after all, you never know who you’re going to meet in passing. You know what they say Dolls, your business card can create a great first impression!


Yes, headphones are great for listening to music but they are also a necessity for working on the go! Being on the go and taking a work call is stressful enough - - but especially if you are not hands-free. I love wearing headphones when I am on calls with clients just to ensure that I am hearing everything that they are saying to me!

A Pink Pen

A Boss Doll necessity to say the least! I always keep a pink pen on hand in case a sudden idea pops into my head or I need to make note of something. Let’s be honest though, you can typically find me taking notes on my iPhone. BUT! Being on-brand at all times is something I am constantly striving for. So, a pink pen is always nearby!


As a Doll on the go, I am constantly multitasking, so naturally, I bring my laptop everywhere with me! This helps me stay in the loop when I am out of the office as well as the ability to quickly get work done at all times. (Yes, my laptop is rose pink!)

Pink Lipstick

Every Boss Doll™ knows that a go-to lip product is a necessity when leaving the house.  Whether you are into chapstick, lip gloss, or a bright pink lipstick like me, I’m sure you can all agree that most trips out of the house cannot be made until your lip product is secure and in your bag!  There’s just something about reapplying a fresh lip before meetings and going into the public that gives me an extra boost of confidence… especially when I am wearing my signature MAC color Candy Yum Yum.

Flat Shoes

My holy grail! Since I am constantly wearing heels it’s inevitable that my feet will eventually need a break. I always make an effort to be proactive and pack a pair of flats (preferably my favorite Valentino flip flops) to help ease my pain! I can think of so many times I’ve been beyond thankful for flat shoes while leaving an all day conference or getting off stage after an event.

Business Amex

Whether I’m on a business trip or working in our #TheDollHQ, I never leave the house without my Business American Express. I absolutely love American Express — from the customer service to the incredible perks while traveling. I also love that you are required to pay it off in full every single month. As a company that operates debt-free, this is a must for me! #workingforthatblackcardstatus

Client Experience 

I am known to always carry a little something pretty with me at all times—whether it’s a mini bottle of Champagne or something sweet to give a client. I built my brand on love, to serve clients that I love with dolls that I love. Naturally, I am all about spreading the love!

Not sure what to pack in your work back? We hope this helps! What are your work bag essentials?